In Conversation With… Jackie Beere
August 14th, 2017
How would you describe yourself and what you do?
I am a trainer, coach and author.
Tell us a little about your journey to becoming the person you are today…
I have had major challenges with managing my own anxiety, as well as severe depression within my family. This led me to take the journey from a supply teacher with two small children to becoming headteacher of a large secondary school. I achieved this through learning how to manage my thinking and develop a growth mindset. I now train teachers and business leaders to help them develop resilience and growth mindset. It’s a mission!
What inspires you?
I regularly read latest neuroscience research and am training to be a Clarity Coach. I love working with teachers and others who believe anything is possible. I have been amazed at how much you can achieve when you are fearless and I genuinely believe everyone has the solutions inside their own heads.
What are your favourite holistic treatments/practices?
I have KORE and do Pilates regularly and it has helped my physical wellbeing tremendously. I have used NLP visualisation techniques for many years and promote mindfulness and meditation regularly in my presentations.
How do you relax?
I love to walk or hike every day. Cycling is another hobby.
What’s next for you?
I am writing a novel – just for my own pleasure. I will also be developing the coaching side of my business over the next year.