PODCAST: Things You Should Care About (Series One)
March 25th, 2021
Since discovering the joys of meditation in her late 30's, Kathryn Buxton has been on a journey of self-discovery that has introduced her to some fascinating ideas. Join Kathryn as she takes a deeper look at some of the aspects of wellbeing that we often neglect and asks the ultimate question; will our lives really improve if we paid more attention to our mental health? Each week Kathryn will be joined by a wellbeing specialist to unpick the value of sleep, nutrition, kindness and so much more.
All Podcast episodes are available on YouTube, Spotify, Google Podcast and Apple Podcast. Or just listen here!
Episode One:
In our first ever episode of Things You Should Care About, Kathryn is joined by Sleep Therapist Joanna Kippax of Wye Sleep. In this episode, they discuss the aspects of sleep that you might not have considered, like how children with sleep apnoea are being misdiagnosed with ADHD, what menopausal hot flushes REALLY are and what happens to your brain when you don't get enough sleep.
We hope you enjoy the chat and as it is our first episode, expect some bumps along the way!
You can find Joanna Kippax at wyesleep.co.uk
Episode Two:
In this episode, Kathryn breaks down diet culture and how it has affected our relationship with food, with Evidence-Based Nutritionist Laura Vout. Eating well and feeling good doesn't have to come at a price! Nor does it have to strip away your feelings of self-worth. A strong advocate for self-love and balance in all things, Laura Vout takes a holistic approach to nutrition that has helped both her clients and herself be more at peace with who they really are.
Disclaimer: some swearing does occur.
Find Laura Vout on Instagram @lauravoutnutrition
Episode Three:
In this episode, Kathryn chats with Dance Movement Psychotherapist Kimberley Pena about our aversion to dance. Why do we find it difficult to move our body? What role does alcohol play? What role does dance play in culture? And how can movement help us to heal? All this and more is covered in this episode of Things You Should Care About!
Find more from Kimberley Pena at movingthroughlife.co.uk
Episode Four:
Karen Soo's personal relationship with Qigong is fascinating. From watching her grandfather as a child to being sent off to Taiwan by her mother at 18, Karen's journey into Qigong is fueled by a desire to reconnect to her Eastern roots.
In this final episode of season one, Kathryn chats with Karen about her personal story, including her grandfather's involvement in The Great War and how people turn to Qigong as a form of exercise but come away with a deeper understanding of themselves.
For more information about Karen's Qigong classes, visit isbourne.org/interests/qigong
Series Two is available now!
Hosted by Kathryn Buxton
Produced and edited by Esme Buxton
Music by Harry Wickham