Vibrant Health With The Bowen Technique
March 3rd, 2017
The Bowen Technique is well-known for its work with structural imbalance but can also be used for a multitude of other issues and symptoms. It is an incredibly gentle therapy and involves light moves being applied to different parts of the body. The moves are often made over muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, joints and occasionally nerves. Treatment aims to stimulate the nervous system and body to begin a process of healing, repair and rejuvenation.
The Bowen moves are made at the key structural points on the body which the brain uses as natural reference points to determine the body’s posture. As a result the moves can have a huge effect on the way the body holds itself. Sensory information is induced by the Bowen move which reaches the spinal cord passing through the nerve pathways to the different centres of the brain. The information is shunted back and forth via a complex self-corrective feedback mechanism and then sent back down the spinal cord to the individual muscles for correction to take place.
Fascia is the connective tissue covering all of the structures of the body, which allows flexibility and movement. The body maintains structure through its relationship with key structural bands of muscle via fascia. One key function of fascia bands is to maintain upright structure. If there is tension or weakness in the fascia a range of reactions can result, such as pressure on nerves, tension in the musculature on one side and compensation patterns being set up in the rest of the body. In Bowen a lot of attention is given to the fascia by changing the way in which the muscles and fascia relate to each other, and a change in structure becomes inevitable as the spine adopts a better position.
There are many procedures available to the Bowen practitioner that address the body from head to toe! The pelvic procedure is often used with woman who suffer from menstrual, gynaecological and hormonal issues. It is also used after childbirth to help re-align and balance the structure. This procedure is also great for gardeners who spend a lot of time in awkward positions digging. It is also great for farmers and builders, and those who regularly ride horses. The TMJ procedure (TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint) helps to balance the jaw and its alignment with the skull. Often disruption in this joint results after dentistry, damage to areas of the spine, compensation, stress and tension. When the TMJ is out of balance all sorts of problems can result such as hay fever, allergies, eye problems, ear problems, headaches, migraines, sinus problems, congestion, asthma and the list goes on. Bowen can help to address all these everyday complaints.
Treatment is both holistic and dynamic, and can help balance the body as a whole, often bringing multiple benefits in addition to the specific problem being treated. Our bodies are complex systems that work as a whole, and when one system is out of balance a knock on effect will be experienced elsewhere.
Bowen is suitable for all age groups, including all stages of pregnancy, and Baby Bowen procedures can also help with the myriad of symptoms that babies and children experience.
Helen Mawson runs consultations and The Isbourne and beyond. See or for more information.