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Clive Thomas

Offering NLP Coaching and Sophrology

NLP Coaching

NLP Coaching uses the evidence-based fundamentals of Solution-Focused Coaching along with powerful tools and strategies of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). This approach emphasises future outcomes, goals, and solutions rather than trying to uncover the root causes of existing problems.

Life is full of opportunities and possibilities, yet extremely complex and challenging. People often lose sight over time of what they really want and take some wrong turns. Every day, however, is an opportunity to make choices. People who have achieved great things have also taken risks, and experienced failure, yet kept their motivation going until they have achieved their goals. Coaching changes lives. It is a transformational dialogue and a safe space to explore how you want to live your life and which direction you want to go.

Clive will introduce you to the coaching process and accompany you every step of the way so that you too can transform your life, develop positive strategies and help you become your true self. Whether your goal is better health and well-being, improved performance or simply personal growth, the powerful tools and strategies of NLP and the objective action plans of a solution-focused method will help to take you where you want to go.


Sophrology is a mind-body therapy based on breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, gentle movements (called dynamic relaxations) and mindfulness-based visualisations. Professor Alfonso Caycedo its creator (a celebrated hypnotherapist and psychiatrist) considered it both an art and a science, a philosophy for living, the study of harmony and consciousness.

Many of us suffer from stress, sleep problems, anxiety or worry, others are heading for burnout, but many don’t act on it. Sophrology has techniques to help these and can offer a solution.

Through structured sessions with defined objectives, Clive can help you improve sleep patterns, reduce stress levels, optimise daily performance, and bring about an overall feeling of calm and well-being. Through the practice of dynamic relaxations and guided visualisations, sophrology can also equip a person with the necessary solid mindset and preparation to confront challenging situations such as sports competitions, exams, public speaking, theatrical performances or even preparing for a driving test.

For both coaching and sophrology sessions, after an initial consultation, Clive will clearly outline each person’s objectives and work out a time frame to achieve them. A session will generally last an hour although a longer first session is possible for a first appointment. The number of sessions will depend on each client’s needs and goals.

Clive graduated with BMus (Hons) from Royal Holloway, London University and spent many years working in music and theatre production before training in natural medicines, mind-body therapies and psychological techniques. Clive is a certified Master Coach and Master Practitioner of NLP. He also has diplomas in Sophrology, Clinical Hypnotherapy and Naturopathy. He studied at leading institutes in London and Paris and is one of the few sophrologists working in the UK.

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