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We are surrounded by plants that heal specific ailments or support our wellbeing, and their use in medicine and healing is something that all cultures have in common. Many modern medicinal drugs, for example aspirin, digoxin (for the heart) and morphine are derived from plants (willow, foxgloves and the opium poppy respectively).
Herbal healing incorporates many different disciplines such as herbal medicine (including Western and Chinese approaches to name but two), flower remedies, folk remedies and natural remedies including skincare. Herbs can be eaten directly or they can be used in salves, creams, inhalations or tinctures. Since some plants are toxic or poisonous, or not contra-indicated for the young or pregnant, appropriate care needs to be taken when identifying them and using them.
Along with spices, herbs and plants can also be eaten as part of one's diet to strengthen particular organs, for example turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and thus can help those suffering from arthritis.