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In addition to particular medical and reproductive issues that only women might face, they also experience a range of challenges to maintaining good health throughout their lives.
Initiatives that support women in enhancing their own wellbeing or that provide good quality health education - particularly when within a supportive group setting - have been shown to have lasting effects in promoting health and preventing illness. Women also benefit greatly from sharing their concerns and experiences with each other.
Some women who experience a lack of confidence about their body shape or image find it difficult to access traditional exercise classes or sessions at a gym. Classes or activities that stress acceptance of different body sizes and abilities and whose aim is to boost body confidence or promote wellbeing.
Menopause is a health issue for most women, giving rise to well-known symptoms such as hot flushes and difficulty sleeping.  In addition to changes in diet and treatments whose aim is to boost oestrogen, women can benefit from support or therapies that enhance the mood and reduce anxiety.
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Wed 11 Sep 24 09:30 - 10:45 am